3 Non-Negotiables To Support Your Mind And Body On Vacation

Hello friend, thank you for hanging out with me today. It is an honor to have you here.

Last week I talked about ways to prepare yourself for holiday travel and ways to set you up to actually enjoy the holidays and enjoy the people around you, and to enjoy the life that is going on around you. You need to get in there and grab it, right? So we talked about that last week, the five ways to to make that happen, to kind of get yourself ready for that. And these five things are meant to be done before you leave for your vacation. There are things I want to share about when you're on your vacation, during the stay. I want to go a little bit deeper with you on that.

I had shared that I am going to Disney World with my family for this Christmas season. And whenever I travel somewhere, especially when it involves flying and staying somewhere for an extended period of time, there are a few non-negotiables that I have to make sure I’m taking care of my mind and my body.

Number one is water. I have to make sure that I am drinking the same or equivalent to the amount of water I drink at home on a daily basis. I am a big time water drinker. I don't feel well unless I am drinking water and I know most people are dehydrated. They're not drinking enough water. And a lot of people, their goal is to increase their water intake. And so it's very challenging to keep that up when you are on vacation. A non-negotiable for me is water. I'm focused on my water intake. To reach water drinking goals, bring your water bottle that you use at home. Have it with you.

When I go to the airport, I don't have my water bottle full, obviously, when I go through the TSA check, but when I get through security, I go and I buy water, and I fill up my water bottle. Flying is very dehydrating. It's actually quite hard on your system. You have to be water focused.

When I am down at the resort that we're staying at, I'm gonna be focused on water. When you're out of your normal routine and you’re on vacation, it’s all too easy to forget to do your normal things, like, take care of yourself. Remembering to take medication or vitamins can be hard because you're out of your routine. You're not at home. It's just a little different. So it throws you off. But you need to be focused on your water intake. And having that water bottle with you wherever you go, and having it filled up, because we can't function when we're dehydrated. When you’re dehydrated you're gonna feel lethargic. You’re gonna feel off. The number one way to take care of yourself when you travel is to get enough water.

There is an anti-stress drink I really like called Natural Calm. It is a magnesium supplement. It is a powder that you mix into water and it really does help you de-stress. You could take something like that along with you and a positive benefit of this magnesium drink is it helps your digestive tract. When you fly and you're at high altitude, your organs actually shut down a little bit. They slow down. Your digestion slows down. This magnesium drink will help relax your digestive tract and keep you regular. You're not gonna be eating normal and getting the fiber you need, but dang it, you're gonna hit your water. You can certainly purchase Natural Calm. You can find it on Amazon. Have it with you if you need extra stress or digestive support. I live by Natural Calm.

My second non-negotiable for vacationing well is having gratitude. Whether it's a gratitude journal, or if you're just gonna have some mantras that you're gonna say in your mind both work great. In last week's episode, I talked about soaking up the moment. To do that, when you are on vacation, you have to have gratitude in the moment. Our minds, our brains, can only think one thought at a time.

I will use my family and scenario as an example. This is what I'm going to do when I am down at Disney World. I know I'm gonna be in a park with my kids, and I know some thought, or something's gonna trigger me. And I'm gonna start thinking about food and maybe think about restricting myself somewhere. I'll catch that thought and I will zero in on my daughters, and I will focus on them, and I will be grateful for them. I will notice how precious they are. And that's all I can think about. That's all that's gonna happen. The negative thought is gone. I am grateful for them. I am grateful for being here. I'm grateful for this moment with my family and making these memories.

Gratitude. Whether you want a journal, or if you just want a mantra or something to say in your head, or if you want to focus on a loved one. Have your plan in place and do it while you are on your vacation or during your stay.

My third non-negotiable is movement. I have talked about having a plan for movement because the health of our mind and our bodies depends on it. It's so good for you. It's so good for your stress. It's a natural destresser, and it can be anything simple, like walking.

In the last episode, I said we're going to be doing tons of walking down at Disney World. But if you are somewhere and you're going to be sitting a lot, or if you need a good excuse to have some quiet time and go for a walk, it doesn't even have to be a walk. You can do yoga, you can do some stretching, you could go shopping. Just get up and move around. If you're like me, I get stiff sitting around all day, and I also get really crabby. I feel tired and lethargic, and that is no way to feel good. If I’m moody I struggle being grateful. I could care less if I drink water. Each non-negotiable is reliant on the others. You need to take care of yourself SO you can keep taking care of yourself properly.

My three non-negotiables, while I'm on vacation: water, gratitude and movement. These are the three things that I am going to be focusing on to help me live in the moment on vacation. Please use these things for yourself over this holiday season. I know if you choose just one of them you're going to feel better. You're gonna relieve some stress by just choosing one. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing mentality. Choose one. Whatever you can do to make things simpler and easier on yourself, whatever you can do to make yourself feel good, find what feels good and do that.

Friends, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. 

You need to come back next week because I’m going to talk about your return home from your vacation or your stay. I wanna talk about something very important, and that's next week. I'll see you then. Bye.


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